Professional networks can help unlock new opportunities and build your business. RealConnects is the tool to build, broaden, and deepen that network. Dial in your networking objectives, and Crescendom will guide you to the outcome.

smart Networking

You set your networking style, and RealConnects will offer you to connect based on your industry, profession, project, interests, and other keywords in your profile.



Set your networking preferences and only connect with the people who add value to your business.


Networking Tools

Networking is core to RealConnects. Members can access a range of powerful networking tools and resources to meet business objectives.


Build influence and contacts by setting up discussion and networking groups.

My Newsstream

Post content in the newstream and build influence and followers


Build your connections by accepting system recommendations or “connect” with people you know or want to know.

Live Networking
Halls & Tables

Join networking tables or visit networking halls and engage members live

Networking Tools